Once your program is accredited by CAAHEP, you have a valuable opportunity to promote this achievement. Here are key guidelines and policies to help you accurately promote your accreditation status and utilize the CAAHEP logo. Please refer to Section 300 of the CAAHEP Policy and Procedures Manual for complete requirements.
Your CAAHEP Accreditation signifies that your program meets high standards in health sciences education, which is essential for building credibility and attracting students. Promoting your CAAHEP accreditation can enhance your program's reputation and demonstrate your commitment to quality education.
CAAHEP provides a directory of accredited programs on its website, ensuring public access to your program's accreditation
CAAHEP policy states that sponsoring institutions must use the following language when referring to accreditation. Be sure to also review the policies for the Committee on Accreditation (CoA) for your profession, as some CoAs have additional language that programs must include in their published statement.
For accredited programs:
For programs on probation
Accredited programs are permitted to use the CAAHEP logo in their publications and displays, following the guidelines below. The CAAHEP log is available for download at the bottom of the page.
All accredited programs must maintain current summaries of student/graduate achievements, including required outcome assessments. Check with your Committee on Accreditation to determine which program outcomes must be published by your education program. The information must be publicly accessible, and CAAHEP must be informed of the URL where the data can be found. Report any new outcomes pages or updated URLs to updates@caahep.org.
Promoting your program’s CAAHEP accreditation is an important step in showcasing the quality and reliability of your educational offerings. By adhering to CAAHEP policies and utilizing the logo appropriately, you can effectively communicate your program’s commitment to excellence in health sciences education. For more detailed information, please refer to CAAHEP Policies 301-303.