Two male students walking down stairs

Inactive Status and Voluntary Withdrawal

Programs/institutions may voluntarily request a period of in active status for an accredited program or may request voluntary withdrawal of accreditation for an accredited program. Both requests require submission of an online request form, which are located below.  

Two male students walking down stairs

Inactive Status

Accredited programs may request a period of inactive status for up to two years by voluntarily submitting a CAAHEP Request for Inactive Status electronically. During inactive status, no students may be enrolled or matriculating in the program. The program must continue to pay all CoA and CAAHEP fees. Please review the full Inactive Status Policy in the CAAHEP Policy and Procedures Manual (Policy Section 208E).

To reactivate the program, the chief executive officer or an officially designated representative of the program sponsor must submit a CAAHEP Request for Return to Active Status electronically. The program sponsor will be notified by the CoA of additional requirements, if any, that must be met to restore active status. CAAHEP will return the program to active status upon consultation with the CoA.

If a program sponsor has not notified CAAHEP or the CoA of its intent to reactivate the program, request additional time, or voluntarily withdraw by the end of the two-year period, the CoA will recommend that accreditation be withdrawn to the CAAHEP Board of Directors.

Voluntary Withdrawal

CAAHEP accreditation is voluntary and a program is considered for accreditation only at the written request of the program sponsor. A program sponsor may also request voluntary withdraw of accreditation at the written request of the chief executive officer of the program sponsor and by completing and submitting the CAAHEP Request for Voluntary Withdraw electronically. Please review the full Voluntary Withdrawal Policy in the CAAHEP Policy and Procedures Manual (Policy Section 208C).

Any student who completes a program that was accredited by CAAHEP at any time during his/her matriculation is deemed by CAAHEP to be a graduate of a CAAHEP-accredited program. These students must be provided all the instruction promised by the institution and the institution is expected to maintain the academic integrity of the education program until these students have completed the program.

As of the effective date of voluntary withdraw of accreditation, the program will no longer appear on the CAAHEP website’s listing of accredited programs.

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