Accreditation Council for Art Therapy Education
Eliza Homer, PhD, ATR-BC, LCPC, NCC, Executive Director
For questions, contact:
PO Box 804
Southwest Harbor, Maine 04679
To search for an Art Therapy program, click on "Find an accredited program" then from there click on the "Profession" button option. Next, select "Art Therapy" as the profession you are looking for and then scroll down to choose "Search" at the very bottom of the profession list. This will take you to the directory of Art Therapy programs, which are listed alphabetically by state. There is more than one page of accredited programs. To view all of the programs click "load more" at the bottom of the page. To view a program's information, click on the name of the program to open the record.
The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) and the Accreditation Council for Art Therapy Education (ACATE) cooperate with the American Art Therapy Association (AATA) to establish, maintain and promote appropriate standards of quality for educational programs that meet or exceed the minimum standards.
CAAHEP accreditation attests to the quality of an educational program that prepares for entry into the art therapy profession.
Art Therapy programs interested in achieving CAAHEP accreditation must review the following documents to understand what is required before beginning the process:
2) ACATE Handbook for Self-Study Report & Standards
3) Self-Study Report Instructions
4) Self-Study Report Narrative Template (Word)
Once these materials are reviewed, to begin the accreditation process complete the Request for Accreditation Services Form (RAS) at the link below:
2. ACATE Policies and Procedures Manual
4. Fillable Forms, charts and surveys
5. Site Evaluators are Coming! - A guide for Program Directors
6. FAQ Sheet for Newly Accredited Programs
7. Annual Report (2024) Portal Instructions - provided for example of annual processes once accredited. Related webinar and Word version of these materials may also be requested from ACATE.
8. ACATE Annual Report Submission Extension form (Word)
9. Post-Graduate master's degrees also offered by art therapy programs
1. Adding a Degree Form (Word)
2. Change in Mission or Goals Form (Word)
3. Change of Curriculum Form (Word)
4. Change or Addition of Instructional Delivery Method Form (Word)
5. Program Personnel Change Form (Word)
6. Change in Program Sponsorship- Substantive Change Report Form (Word)
Monday, December 9 -- 8:00-9:30 pm Eastern, 5:00-6:30 pm Pacific
Monday, January 13 -- 8:00-9:30 pm Eastern, 5:00-6:30 pm Pacific
Monday, February 10 -- 8:00-9:30 pm Eastern, 5:00-6:30 pm Pacific
Monday, March 10 -- 8:00-9:30 pm Eastern, 5:00-6:30 pm Pacific
Monday, April 14 -- 8:00-9:30 pm Eastern, 5:00-6:30 pm Pacific
Monday, May 12 -- 8:00-9:30 pm Eastern, 5:00-6:30 pm Pacific
Monday, June 9 -- 8:00-9:30 pm Eastern, 5:00-6:30 pm Pacific
Survey Templates Referenced in Self Study and Annual Report process:
ACATE Webinar Series
Using SLOs as Outcomes Summative Measures May 16, 2023 (No passcode needed to access recording)
Graduate, Employment, and Employer Surveys May 31, 2023 (Passcode to access recording: ^cz7+6V5)
De-mystifying the Role of the Advisory Committee July 7, 2023 (No passcode needed to access recording)
Consider becoming an ACATE Site Visitor
Download Site Evaluator brochure
Download Site Evaluator application